KALTBLUT talks about American Monsters!

Star Gallery is pleased to welcome you to their inaugural exhibition, “American Monsters,” located on Manhattan’s Lower East Side at 2 Rivington Street. An all-star roster of established illustrators and vital, new, young artists are part of this exciting group show.

The list of artists includes Armando Veve, Thomas Fluharty, Hal Hefner, Steven Tabbutt, Anthony Freda, Devin Clark, Danny Hellman, Christopher Buzelli, Katherine Streeter, Taylor Callery, Sol Robbins, Brian Stauffer, Billy the Artist, Ellen Weinstein, David Miller, David Flaherty, David Goldin, Epyon5, Dino Rinaldi, Zhang Yiqing, Dan Zollinger, Alfred Albrizio, Nich Chiechi, Marissa Mahabir and Gavin Simmons.